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Hexix is a two player game. Each player starts with their home piece on opposite sides of the board.

The objective of Hexix is to capture your opponent's home piece. You also win if your opponent has no possible moves on their turn.


Players take turns. A turn consists of one move. There are three kinds of moves:


You can place a piece next to one of your pieces. Set the dots on the piece equal to the number of your own pieces around it.


Take any of your pieces with fewer than six dots and increase the dots by one.


You remove an opponent's piece and move your capturing piece to that hexagon. You capture either forward to the left or forward to the right, but not directly forward. Forward is the direction from your home piece to your opponent's home piece. You capture like a pawn in chess. The home piece can't capture.

The game begins with blue taking the first turn.


There are two types of pieces, down and up. The only difference between the types of pieces is how they capture. When you place a piece you can choose to place either a down piece or an up piece.


Down pieces are blue or red, with white dots. Down pieces capture any opponent's piece with fewer dots.


Up pieces are white, with blue or red dots. Up pieces capture any opponent's piece with more dots.

There is no limit to the number of pieces you can place.


There are three mechanics that give you restrictions.

Global Rule

The dots on your piece must be equal to or greater than the number of your own pieces adjacent to it. If you are making a capture or place move, you should verify that this will be true for all of your pieces after the move. If you are restricted by the global rule, try incrementing! Incrementing is necessary for creating more options.


All of your pieces that have an unbroken path of your own pieces back to your home piece are active. Any of your own pieces that are not next to your active pieces are inactive. An inactive piece can become active again if it becomes connected to your active pieces. Inactive pieces can't capture and cannot be incremented. Place moves must be next to an active piece.


When a capture move is played that matches a previous capture move, remember the resulting board position. From now on, playing the same capture resulting in this board position is disallowed.

  "version": "8",
  "games": [],
  "selectedGameIndex": -1,
  "filter": "all ongoing"
v0.2.1 alpha